Cookie consent

We use cookies for statistical and marketing purposes and to improve the quality of our services. The information stored in cookies usually allows the identification of a specific device or user’s browser, so they may contain personal data. By selecting “Accept all cookies,” you grant the following consent to set cookies and to process data gathered by means of cookies. If you want to decide what types of cookies will be used, select them from the list below, and then click “Accept selected cookies.” If you do not agree to the following, click “I do not agree,” and as a result, cookies (except for strictly necessary ones) will not be used.

I accept setting cookies and I grant my consent to Polski Standard Płatności sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw, ul. Czerniakowska 87A processing (including profiling) my personal data saved in the cookies set when using websites of Polski Standard Płatności, for marketing and statistical purposes and to improve the quality of services provided, as well as to collect and to make available these data to entities cooperating with Polski Standard Płatności, whose technologies are used by Polski Standard Płatności (the list of cooperating entities is available here). I understand that I can withdraw this consent at any time, including changing my settings pertaining to various types of cookies that are used on the website, which shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before its withdrawal.

Below you will find more information about types of cookies and select your own settings pertaining to the consent to cookies and to the processing of data obtained therefrom. However, you should remember that blocking all cookies used by us may adversely affect full and comfortable use of the website. Additionally, in such the case we will be unable to collect anonymous information about using our website for the purposes of the continuous improvement of its services and content.

These cookies are necessary for the correct functioning of the website, and they cannot be deactivated. They are used for technical purposes, including they allow using the website. As a result of changing your browser settings in such a way as to block these cookies, the website may not function correctly.

These cookies facilitate using our website (e.g. by detecting the language of the web browser). These cookies are aimed at improving the functionality of the website and allow confirming that the website operates correctly. They are used to adjust content of websites to preferences of the user and to optimise them. These cookies allow, e.g. recognising the user’s device and properly displaying the website adjusted to the user’s individual needs. Blocking these cookies may hinder using the website.

These cookies are used for the purposes of measurement and development of statistics, e.g. pertaining to information about sources of traffic on our website, with the aim of, inter alia, improving the functioning of our website. These cookies may help navigating our website, and provide us with valuable information about the way of using our website. If these cookies are blocked, we will be unable to gather information about using our website.

These cookies are used for marketing purposes and for personalisation of advertisements, as well as to link the website to profiles of the Polish Payment Standard in social media. These cookies are used, inter alia, for the purposes of optimising advertisements displayed to the user and allow providing the user with the content better adjusted to his or her interests, including e.g. determining where the user was redirected to the website.

The controller of your personal data is Polski Standard Płatności sp. z o.o., ul. Czerniakowska 87A, 00-718 Warszawa or entities, whose technologies we use, listed in the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy (data from external cookies). We process your data for the purposes of the provision of our services, and if you grant your consent, also for the purposes of marketing, analysis and improvement of our services (including profiling), as well as to collect and make available data from cookies to cooperating entities, whose technologies we use.

Privacy and cookies policy