Certification process

Basic info

Deploying BLIK in the LEVEL 0 Oneclick model requires a more advanced and complex configuration than in the Redirect to eblik model. Therefore, in order to implement BLIK in the Level 0 model, it is necessary to obtain a 2-step BLIK certification. The certification consists of the proper configuration of BLIK according to the guidelines and aims to provide the required level of user experience and applies to both the Clearing Agent and Merchant. The requirements are formulated in the form of a list of requirements with clearly defined scenarios and the expected behavior of the payment process juxtaposed against them. Below are descriptions of the various stages of certification. Only the fulfillment of both authorizes the use of BLIK LEVEL 0 Oneclick payments.


Grade 1 - Implementation Certification (backend)

The purpose of technical certification is to ensure the correct configuration of the payment mechanism on the BLIK-Agent line. In this case, it is crucial to make sure that transactions are executed correctly. The requirements concern elements related to the proper handling of HTTP requests and responses.

Refer to the List of Agents Supporting a Given Integration Model to see if your agent has completed Implementation Certification.

Grade 2 - Product UX Certification (frontend)

The purpose of UX certification is to ensure the appropriate level of user experience in the frontend layer. The requirements concern elements such as the correct presentation of BLIKA on the site or the appropriate content of messages displayed to the user.

You can find the list of requirements for Product Certification here: BLIK OneClick - requirements checklist