Level 0 - guidelines for implementation of BLIK with code

(warning) Requirement
(info) Recommendation




Expected result

Example ENG

Example PL

Payment method presentation


Visibility of the BLIK logo

  1. Go to the payment method selection screen

The BLIK payment method is marked with the BLIK logo.

The logotype used is consistent with the BLIK brand book.


BLIK in Level 0 on the first screen for selecting a payment method

  1. Go to the payment method selection screen

BLIK must be a visible, selectable form of payment directly from the shop's service.


BLIK is first on the list of payment methods

  1. Go to the payment method selection screen

We encourage you to display BLIK first on the list, as it is the most popular online payment method in Poland.


Rules of spelling

  1. Verify BLIK spelling on all screens where reference appears

All references to BLIK are written in capital letters.



Entering the BLIK code and transaction initiation


BLIK code field - input without numeric placeholder

  1. Select the BLIK payment method, and continue the process until you see a field for entering the BLIK cod

Input for entering the BLIK code should be an empty input without any numerical placeholder (e.g. 111 111, 123 456, or other string of digits).


BLIK code field - length of the field

  1. Select the BLIK payment method, and continue the process until you see a field for entering the BLIK cod

The width of the field should match the value to be entered there (6 characters with a gap after 3 characters).


BLIK code field - two groups of three digits

  1. Select the BLIK payment method, and continue the process until you see a field for entering the BLIK cod
  2. Enter the 6-digit BLIK code

The BLIK code should be displayed centered, in two groups of three digits in a single field.


BLIK code field - numeic keyboard (mobile)

Perform the tests on your mobile device:

  1. Select the BLIK payment method, and continue the process until you see a field to enter the BLIK code
  2. Click on the BLIK code field

On mobile, the input should call up the numeric keyboard.


BLIK code field - character restrictions

  1. Select the BLIK payment method, and continue the process until you see a field to enter the BLIK code
  2. Click on the BLIK code field
  • The maximum number of digits that can be entered is 6
  • Characters other than digits and more than 6 digits cannot be pasted into the field


BLIK code field - no autocomplete

  1. Select the BLIK payment method, and continue the process until you see a field to enter the BLIK code
  2. Click on the BLIK code field

Input for entering the BLIK code should not have the autocomplete attribute (disabled prompting for last entered BLIK codes or other passwords)


BLIK code field - activation by pressing the field

  1. Select the BLIK payment method, and continue the process until you see a field to enter the BLIK code

Input for entering the BLIK code should not be automatically activated, it should only activate when the user presses it.


BLIK code field - field naming and supporting messages

  1. Select the BLIK payment method, and continue the process until you see a field to enter the BLIK code

The text should clearly inform the user that they are to generate a BLIK code in the banking application and then confirm the payment.

  • Recommended header messages instructing to enter the BLIK code:
    • ENG: "Enter the BLIK code", "Enter the 6-digit BLIK code".
    • PL:" Wprowadź kod BLIK", Wprowadź 6-cyfrowy kod BLIK"
  • Recommended messages instructing where to find the code:
    • ENG: "You can find the BLIK code in your banking app".
    • PL: "Kod BLIK znajdziesz w aplikacji swojego banku"
  • Recommended terms for BLIK code and the name of the BLIK code entry field:
    • ENG: "BLIK code".
    • PL: "Kod BLIK"

In relation to the BLIK code, the terms are not used:

  • ENG: "Authorisation code", and "BLIK authorization code".
  • PL: 'Kod autoryzacyjny", "Kod autoryzacji BLIK"


BLIK payment - instructions, tooltips

  1. Select the BLIK payment method, and continue the process until you see a field to enter the BLIK code

Additional elements (instructions, tooltips, etc.) relating to BLIK payment are not links to external websites or other elements that "throw" the User out of the process.

Additional elements should not cover the BLIK code entry field at any time during the payment process.

In addition, they should not affect the ability to quickly identify the input field as a BLIK code entry field.


Moving to the next payment step using the commit button

  1. Select the BLIK payment method, and continue the process until you see a field to enter the BLIK code
  2. Enter a valid BLIK code

Moving to the next payment step after entering a valid BLIK code should be done using a commit button.

Recommended button wording: "Pay", "Next". 

We recommend that the button should not contain an icon inappropriate to its function, e.g. a padlock icon


Empty field for entering the BLIK code

  1. Select a BLIK payment method and leave the BLIK code field blank.
  2. If possible, click on the button responsible for moving to the next step ("pay", "next" or similar button)

The user should receive an error message. We recommend dynamic handling of this type of error.
Recommended message content:

  • ENG: "Enter the BLIK code".
  • PL: "Podaj kod BLIK"


Location of the BLIK code input 

  1. Select the BLIK payment method, and continue the process until you see a field to enter the BLIK code

The field for entering the code should be in the same section of the service as the selection of a payment method (the user focusing his/her eyes on the selection of a payment method may not notice that input for entering the BLIK code has appeared in another section).

Input for entering the BLIK codes should be visible, immediately identifiable as one where the should enter a BLIK code (and not, for example, a discount code) and not covered by any other system element.

Confirmation in the banking application


Confirmation in the banking application - user guide

  1. Enter the BLIK code and proceed to the payment step, which requires confirmation of the transaction in the banking app

If the BLIK code is correct, a message should be displayed prompting the user to confirm the payment in the banking application.

On the screen, the user shouldn't have any other actions to perform at this step, the user's attention shouldn't be distracted to confirm the transaction.

Recommended text is shown on the screen:

  • ENG: "Confirm the payment
in your banking app".
  • PL: "Potwierdź płatność w aplikacji swojego banku"

A graphic/icon/animation of the phone is recommended.

Transaction success


Display of the successful payment status page

  1. Enter the BLIK code and proceed to the payment step, which requires confirmation of the transaction in the banking app
  2. Confirm the transaction in the banking app

The shop presents the user with information on successful payment - displaying a thank-you page for the purchase.


Display of thanks page for purchase - commit button

  1. Enter the BLIK code and proceed to the payment step, which requires confirmation of the transaction in the banking app
  2. Confirm the transaction in the banking app

We recommend adding a commit button to return to the order details page instead of using an automatic redirect.

Authorization errors


Unsuccessful transaction - displaying status information and clearing the BLIK code entry field

  1. Proceed with the transaction by triggering any error (invalid BLIK code, rejected transaction, timeout, or other).

When an error occurs:

  • transaction error message must be displayed informing the user of the real cause of the error
  • the user must be able to repeat the transaction
  • the field for entering the BLIK code is cleared, the user can immediately enter a new code.


Wrong BLIK code

  1. Proceed with the transaction using an incorrect BLIK code

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

"Incorrect BLIK code was entered. Try again."


Expired BLIK code

  1. Proceed with the transaction using an expired BLIK code

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Incorrect BLIK code was entered. Try again."
  • PL: "Podano błędny kod BLIK. Spróbuj ponownie."


Cancelled BLIK code

  1. Proceed with the transaction using a canceled BLIK code

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Incorrect BLIK code was entered. Try again."
  • PL: "Podano błędny kod BLIK. Spróbuj ponownie."


Used BLIK code

  1. Proceed with the transaction using a used BLIK code

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Incorrect BLIK code was entered. Try again."
  • PL: "Podano błędny kod BLIK. Spróbuj ponownie."


Insufficient funds

  1. Proceed with the transaction without sufficient funds in your account

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Payment failed. Check the reason in the banking application and try again."
  • PL: "Płatność nieudana. Sprawdź powód w aplikacji bankowej i spróbuj ponownie"


Exceeding the transaction limit

  1. Proceed with the transaction that exceeds the transaction limit set in the bank.

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Payment failed. Check the reason in the banking application and try again."
  • PL: "Płatność nieudana. Sprawdź powód w aplikacji bankowej i spróbuj ponownie"


Rejection due to incorrect PIN

  1. Proceed with the transaction by entering the wrong PIN several times in the banking app (the number of attempts depends on the bank).

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Payment failed. Check the reason in the banking application and try again."
  • PL: "Płatność nieudana. Sprawdź powód w aplikacji bankowej i spróbuj ponownie"


Rejection by the user

  1. Proceed with the transaction by declining it in the banking app.

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Payment rejected in a banking application. Try again."
  • PL: "Płatność odrzucona w aplikacji bankowej. Spróbuj ponownie" 


User timeout

  1. Proceed with the transaction without confirming it in time on the banking app.

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: „Payment failed - not confirmed on time in the banking application. Try again.”
  • PL: "Płatność nieudana - nie została potwierdzona na czas w aplikacji bankowej. Spróbuj ponownie."


System timeout

  1. Proceed with the transaction, simulating a system timeout.

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: „Payment failed - not confirmed on time in the banking application. Try again.”
  • PL: "Płatność nieudana - nie została potwierdzona na czas w aplikacji bankowej. Spróbuj ponownie."


Mobile app timeout

  1. Proceed with the transaction without confirming it in time on the banking app.

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: „Payment failed - not confirmed on time in the banking application. Try again.”
  • PL: "Płatność nieudana - nie została potwierdzona na czas w aplikacji bankowej. Spróbuj ponownie."

Level 0 z OneClick UID - an extension of the guidelines for Payments without a BLIK code

(warning) Requirement
(info) Recommendation




Expected result

Example ENG

Example PL

Payment method presentation


Visibility of the BLIK logo

  1. Go to the payment method selection screen

The BLIK payment method is marked with the BLIK logo.

The logotype used is consistent with the BLIK brand book.


BLIK is first on the list of payment methods

  1. Go to the payment method selection screen

We encourage you to display BLIK first on the list, as it is the most popular online payment method in Poland.


BLIK in Level 0 on the first screen for selecting a payment method

  1. Go to the payment method selection screen

BLIK must be a visible, selectable form of payment directly from the shop's service.

If the user didn't save the shop in the mobile app, the "BLIK" payment method is first on the payment methods list (as it is the most popular online payment method in Poland). 

If the user saves the shop the first method on the list of payment methods is "BLIK without code" (with the mobile app label displayed), followed by "BLIK with code" (the name of the "BLIK" payment method changes to "BLIK with code" when the user remembers the shop).


Rules of spelling

  1. Verify BLIK spelling on all screens where reference appears 

All references to BLIK are written in capital letters.



Alias registration


Payments without the BLIK code are only available for users logged in to the shop's service

  1. As a non-logged-in user, go through the purchase process and make a BLIK payment with confirmation in the banking app

Payments without the BLIK code in the Level 0 OneClick model should only be available to users logged in to the shop's service.

If the user is not logged in to the shop's service, the invitation to remember the shop shouldn't be displayed in the bank application, where the user confirms the payment.


Parameters for saving the shop in the banking app

  1. As a logged-in user, go through the purchase process and make a BLIK payment with confirmation in the banking app

With each BLIK transaction, the shop sends the parameters needed to display and create an invitation to remember the shop in the user's banking application (registering the Alias UID).

These parameters are:

  • Alias UID value
    The Alias User ID is a permanent and unique identifier given by the shop, indicating the user's account in the shop's system. The user must be logged into the shop system during the transaction.
  • Alias UID label
    A name that will enable the User to identify their account in the shop's system (e.g. a masked email address or customer number), once they have added the shop to the saved shops list in the banking app. The label is particularly important if the user has more than one account in the shop system.
  • Alias UID validity date
    Optionally, the shop can send the Alias validity date (maximum 2 years), if the date is not sent, the BLIK system will automatically assign the Alias an expiry date of 2 years from the date of registration.

Please refer to your Agent's technical documentation for exact instructions on how to send the parameters.


Aliases management

  1. As a logged-in user, go through the purchase process and make a BLIK payment with confirmation in the banking app
  2. Remember Alias UID in the banking app
  3. In the banking app, go to OneClick payment settings
  4. Delete the saved shop or use an expired alias
  5. In the shop, start a new purchase process and go to the payment method selection screen

Aliases can only be managed (saved/deleted) from within the bank's mobile app.

It is not possible to execute Payment without a BLIK code using a deleted or expired Alias.

The "BLIK without code" payment method is not visible in the list of payment methods. Only the "BLIK" method is available in the list of payment methods.

The logged-in user is only able to pay with the BLIK code. However, the user can remember the shop in the banking app again (during or right after the next payment with BLIK code), as the data set for creating and displaying the invitation to remember the shop in the banking app, should be sent with each BLIK code payment initiation.


The way to mask Alias UID label data

  1. As a logged-in user, go through the purchase process and make a BLIK payment with confirmation in the banking app
  2. Remember Alias UID in the banking app
  3. Check the banking app settings to see what the Alias label of the saved shop looks like

If the shop uses customer data as an Alias label, the data are masked, e.g: 
jan.kowalski@wp.pl -> ja...ki@wp...pl.
jan.kowalski@poczta.onet.pl -> ja..ki@po...pl

The recommended rule for email masking: shorten by replacing all characters except the first and last two with three dots. If there is an @ in the string, then both parts of the string are divided by @
should be shortened using the same method.

Selection of a saved alias and initiation of a transaction


No registered Alias

  1. As a logged-in user, start the purchase process and proceed to the payment method selection screen

If Alias is not registered, the only payment method available in the shop's system is BLIK and the user can only pay using the BLIK code.


Choice of Alias

  1. During or after a successful payment with the BLIK code, remember the shop in your banking app
  2. Start the next purchase process as a user with one saved Alias UID
  3. Go to the payment selection method screen

If the user saves the shop the first method on the list of payment methods is "BLIK without code" (with the mobile app label displayed), followed by "BLIK with code" (the name of the "BLIK" payment method changes to "BLIK with code" when the user remembers the shop).



  1. Make a payment as a logged-in user and save the shop in the banking app X
  2. Make a second payment as a logged-in (to the same shop account) user and remember the shop in the banking app Y (different from step 1).
  3. Check the list of remembered shops in both apps.

Saved Aliases are visible in both banking app X and banking app Y.

Saved Aliases have the same label and expiry date set accordingly - in line with the data sent by the shop.


Multi-banking - presentation of a list of multiple aliases

  1. Make a payment as a logged-in user who has multiple Aliases saved in the shop
  2. Select one of your Aliases and initiate the payment

If more than 1 alias is saved, the shop presents all saved aliases. The user has the option to select one of the saved aliases:

  • The aliases should be presented in the same
    order as communicated by the BLIK system to the Agent.
  • The alias that is first in the list should be selected by default.
    • An implementation in which only the first label is presented in the first view and the others are available by selecting the "Change" option is acceptable.


Multi-banking - authorization in selected banking app

  1. Make a payment as a logged-in user who has multiple Aliases saved in the shop
  2. Select "BLIK without code" payment from one of the banking apps where the shop has been saved and initiate the payment
  3. Complete the authorization in the selected banking app

The selected Alias triggers authorization in the selected Mobile Application. The transaction is completed successfully.


Change of choice to payment with the BLIK code

  1. Start the purchase process as a user with a saved Alias UID
  2. Go to the payment selection method screen

The user has the option to change the payment method - from "BLIK without code" to "BLIK with code".


First payment without BLIK code - one-time information

  1. Begin the purchase process (first after registering the Alias UID)
  2. Go to the payment method selection screen

If this is the user's first payment after registering the alias, a one-off message explaining how OneClick payments work should be presented to the user.

Alternatively, you can display this information with each BLIK payment without a code.

Recommended content:

  • ENG: "You no longer need to enter the BLIK code. You have connected your account [banking mobile app label] to this shop during one of your previous payments. You can deactivate this connection in your banking app at any time. We care about your security - purchases still need to be confirmed in the banking app."
  • PL: "Nie musisz już wpisywać kodu BLIK. Twoje konto [etykieta Aplikacji Mobilnej] powiązałeś z tym Sklepem podczas jednej z poprzednich płatności. W każdej chwili możesz wyłączyć to powiązanie w aplikacji banku. Dbamy o Twoje bezpieczeństwo – zakupy nadal trzeba potwierdzać w aplikacji banku”


Multiagent handling


It is also possible to use UID and PAYID Aliases if the shop uses more than one integrator providing it with the BLIK payment service (Multiagent option). In such a case, it may happen that the Alias registered as a result of a transaction sent via one integrator is used to complete a transaction via another integrator. In order for such a transaction to be processed, the value of the Alias sent to the BLIK system for a given customer should have the same value regardless of the selected intermediary operator for the transaction (i.e. the operator should not interfere with the value of the Alias), and the Shop should notify its agent in advance of its wish to use the Multiagent option.

Confirmation in the banking application


Confirmation in the banking application - user guide

  1. As a logged-in user with saved Alias, initiate a transaction with Alias or BLIK code

A screen appears instructing to confirm the payment in the banking app.

On the screen, the user shouldn't have any other actions to perform at this step, the user's attention shouldn't be distracted to confirm the transaction.

The screen should not include a timer for the remaining time to confirm the transaction.

Recommended text is shown on the screen: "Confirm the payment
in your banking app".

A graphic/icon/animation of the phone is recommended.

Transaction success


Display of the successful payment status page

  1. As a logged-in user with saved Alias, initiate a transaction with Alias or BLIK code
  2. Confirm the transaction in the banking app

The shop presents the user with information on successful payment - displaying a thank-you page for the purchase.


Display of thanks page for purchase - commit button

  1. As a logged-in user with saved Alias, initiate a transaction with Alias or BLIK code
  2. Confirm the transaction in the banking app

We recommend adding a commit button to return to the order details page instead of using an automatic redirect.

Authorization errors


Unsuccessful transaction - display of status information and possibility to repeat the transaction (only with BLIK code)

  1. Proceed transaction with an Alias that ends with an error allowing the transaction to be repeated

In the case of transactions without a BLIK code, when an error occurs:

  • a transaction error message must be displayed informing the user of the real cause of the error
  • the user must be able to repeat the transaction using a BLIK code


Incorrect BLIK code on repeat - input cleaning

  1. Proceed with the transaction using an incorrect BLIK code

In the case of a transaction with the BLIK code, when an error occurs that allows the transaction to be repeated, the field for entering the code is cleared and the user can immediately enter a new code.


Wrong BLIK code

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with the transaction using an incorrect BLIK code 

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Incorrect BLIK code was entered. Try again."
  • PL: „Podano błędny kod BLIK. Spróbuj ponownie."


Expired BLIK code

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with the transaction using an expired BLIK code

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Incorrect BLIK code was entered. Try again."
  • PL: „Podano błędny kod BLIK. Spróbuj ponownie.


Cancelled BLIK code

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with the transaction using a canceled BLIK code

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Incorrect BLIK code was entered. Try again."
  • PL: „Podano błędny kod BLIK. Spróbuj ponownie."


Used BLIK code

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Przeprowadź transakcję przy użyciu wykorzystanego kodu T6 

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Incorrect BLIK code was entered. Try again."
  • PL: „Podano błędny kod BLIK. Spróbuj ponownie."


Insufficient funds

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with the transaction using a used BLIK code

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Payment failed. Check the reason in the banking application and try again."
  • PL: "Płatność nieudana. Sprawdź powód w aplikacji bankowej i spróbuj ponownie."


Exceeding the transaction limit

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with the transaction that exceeds the transaction limit set in the bank.

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Payment failed. Check the reason in the banking application and try again."
  • PL: "Płatność nieudana. Sprawdź powód w aplikacji bankowej i spróbuj ponownie."


Rejection due to incorrect PIN

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with the transaction by entering the wrong PIN several times in the banking app (the number of attempts depends on the bank).

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Payment failed. Check the reason in the banking application and try again."
  • PL: "Płatność nieudana. Sprawdź powód w aplikacji bankowej i spróbuj ponownie."


Rejection by the user

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with the transaction by declining it in the banking app.

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Payment rejected in a banking application. Try again."
  • PL: "Płatność odrzucona w aplikacji bankowej. Spróbuj ponownie."


User timeout

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with the transaction without confirming it in time on the banking app.

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: „Payment failed - not confirmed on time in the banking application. Try again.”
  • PL: „Płatność nieudana – nie została potwierdzona na czas w aplikacji bankowej. Spróbuj ponownie.”


System timeout

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with the transaction, simulating a system timeout.

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: „Payment failed - not confirmed on time in the banking application. Try again.”
  • PL: „Płatność nieudana – nie została potwierdzona na czas w aplikacji bankowej. Spróbuj ponownie.”


Mobile app timeout

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with the transaction without confirming it in time on the banking app.

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: „Payment failed - not confirmed on time in the banking application. Try again.”
  • PL: „Płatność nieudana – nie została potwierdzona na czas w aplikacji bankowej. Spróbuj ponownie.”


Too high amount

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with Alias transaction with excessive amount 

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Payment amount too high"
  • PL: "Zbyt wysoka kwota płatności”

presented on a full-screen failure message (without the possibility to enter a code)


Alias rejection

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with Alias transaction with invalid key 

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content: 

  • ENG: "Payment requires BLIK code."
  • PL: „Płatność wymaga podania kodu BLIK.”


General error

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with Alias transaction simulating general error 

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content: 

  • ENG: "Payment failed. Try again."
  • PL: "Płatność nieudana. Spróbuj ponownie.”


TAS error

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with Alias transaction by simulating TAS error 

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content: 

  • ENG: "Payment failed. Try again."
  • PL: "Płatność nieudana. Spróbuj ponownie.”


System error

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with Alias transaction simulating system error 

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content: 

  • ENG: "Payment failed. Try again."
  • PL: "Płatność nieudana. Spróbuj ponownie.”


Issuer rejection

*Exact Error code name can be different depending on acquirer

  1. Proceed with the Alias transaction by simulating an issuer rejection error 

The user should receive an error message. Recommended content:

  • ENG: "Payment failed. Try again."
  • PL: "Płatność nieudana. Spróbuj ponownie.”


Invalidation of a transaction after TIMEOUT

  1. Proceed with the Alias transaction, simulating a system timeout. 

In the event that a transaction is deemed to have failed after a
timeout, the shop is obliged to make an effective cancellation of the transaction, i.e. send the cancellation to the integrator's system until the confirmation of acceptance of such

In the event of unsuccessful registration of the invalidation, the shop should repeat the invalidation at increasing intervals, no less than until the end of the next business day and no longer than 7 days.