BLIK with record high brand strength score in mobile payments

BLIK with record high brand strength score in mobile payments

BLIK with record high brand strength score in mobile payments

According to the KANTAR survey in the third quarter of this year, account based mobile payments system BLIK recorded the highest brand strength index – Brand Power – in the payments category, at a level of 44 points. This is a record high result of this index so far in the brand’s history. Almost two-thirds of BLIK users would recommend it to their friends; this index is even higher among young people, reaching three-quarters.

In the first half of 2021, BLIK users made almost 330 million transactions, while more than 8 million people were actively using the solution. Additionally, a total of more than 10 million people have already registered their phone numbers, which enables them to send and receive BLIK phone transfers, currently constituting the feature of the system that is most rapidly growing in popularity. A record number of transactions conducted in a single day of almost 3 million was also recorded at the beginning of October.


In KANTAR’s proprietary methodology (MDS Meaningful, Different Salient) which is used to measure brand strength (Brand Equity), the so-called Brand POWER index, BLIK scored 33 points in the third quarter of this year. This is a record high and historic result for the brand. BLIK has decidedly outdistanced other payment brands in this ranking, such as VISA (23 points), Mastercard (16 points), G-Pay (7 points), Apple Pay (5 points) and Revolut (4 points).


The main factors influencing brand strength in the payments category are those related to convenience of use, security of payments and uniqueness of the solution. BLIK is the only payment system that provides POS and e-commerce payment capabilities under a single brand, together with transfers to a phone and ATM withdrawals. Individual banks are currently starting to make BLIK contactless payment capabilities available to their customers at payment terminals.


‘Brand strength in the payments industry is of great importance. Innovative payments still need to be popularized and users educated about their versatility and utility. We, as a brand, want to become synonymous with mobile payments in Poland and, in several years, also in the region,’ says Monika Król, Vice President of Polski Standard Płatności, the operator of BLIK. ‘We have built awareness among people using banking apps about what BLIK can be used for. For example, as many as 85% of them know they can transfer money to a BLIK phone number and almost 60% use this solution regularly. Furthermore, this percentage increases to as many as 70% among the youngest people,’ she adds.


Of the modern non-cash payment methods, BLIK is the service most frequently and willingly used by Poles using mobile banking apps. They appreciate BLIK primarily for the speed of payment, convenience and simplicity, as well as security.


BLIK scored an NPS of 63 in the third quarter of 2021 – up 6 points from the previous year. This means that users are very willing to recommend the brand to their friends. The index increases to a record 72 points among the youngest users aged 18–25. In comparison, the average NPS score for the financial sector is 18 points.


‘BLIK’s recognition is increasing. Spontaneous awareness of the brand is as high as 72%, while prompted awareness is 95%. No other payment brand in the group of people using banking apps has such recognition on the Polish market,’ says Krzysztof Ziewiec, Marketing and PR Director at Polski Standard Płatności, operator of BLIK. ‘BLIK simplifies finances, offers a very good UX and is versatile. That is why it is so willingly chosen, appreciated and recommended by users,’ he adds.


Source of data: BLIK brand tracking, CAWI survey conducted by Kantar, N=960 quarterly

Sample: people aged 18–45, having a smartphone, users of mobile apps on a smartphone [including banking apps], having an account with one of the following banks: Alior Bank, BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole, Getin Bank, Bank Millennium, Santander Bank Polska, ING Bank Śląski, mBank, PKO Bank Polski, Pekao, Inteligo, SGB.


About BLIK

The BLIK - an account-based mobile payment system built and funded in Poland - enables Internet payments, as well as payments at POS terminals, cash withdrawals from ATMs and mobile P2P payments to be made. More than 3/4 of the transactions made with Blik are online payments, more than 9% are P2P transactions, slightly less are F2F transactions at terminals, and almost 7% are ATM withdrawals. BLIK has a dominant share of the mobile payments market in Poland.

Polski Standard Płatności (PSP) is BLIK’s operator. PSP was established in February 2015 by six Polish banks: PKO Bank Polski S.A., Alior Bank S.A., Bank Millennium S.A., ING Bank Śląski S.A., Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (currently Santander Bank Polska S.A.) and mBank S.A. 16 banks are currently offering BLIK to their customers.

BLIK has won many prestigious awards, including the receipt of the title of FinTech of the Year in 2019 by and FinTech of the Year 2020 by Invest Cuffs, one of Europe’s largest congresses for investors.


For more information, please contact:

Marek Gieorgica

BLIK Press Office


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