You can shop with BLIK in almost every online store in Poland.
BLIK payments are convenient and safe – you enter the BLIK code and confirm the transaction with your PIN in the banking app. You do not have to log in to online banking, enter SMS passwords or provide your payment card details. All you need is a phone with your bank’s mobile app.
You pay with BLIK quickly and safely in online stores. Without logging into the bank.
You can pay with BLIK even faster in the Internet – without entering the BLIK code. All you need to do is add the online store or browser you are using to the “Remembered” stores or browsers in the banking app.
You can make an online payment without the code in:
A new type of payment for paying cyclical and recurring liabilities, such as payments for services through a subscription or payments for telephone or electricity invoices. In the case of fixed amounts, payments can be made automatically (without the need for confirmation in the banking app).
You do not use your card, you do not log in to online banking, and you confirm every payment in your banking app.
You enter the BLIK code, accept it in the app and you’re done! You don’t need to enter your card or a recipient's bank account number.
Paying with BLIK at a stationary store is convenient and safe. You can pay contactlessly or using the BLIK code. To make a payment, all you need is a phone with a banking application. You don't need to carry a card or cash with you.
Just remember to turn on the NFC function on your phone and set up a screen lock (PIN or biometrics). This way, your transactions will be safe, and the payment will come down to two simple steps - unlock and scan. Importantly, this functionality works even without coverage and network access, so you can pay contactlessly with BLIK in many places.
Pay contactlessly with BLIK - quickly and safely without linking a card or a BLIK code. Remember that a screen lock and NFC are required to make this type of payment possible.
*Activation of BLIK contactless payments may be different in individual banks. Check your banking app.
BLIK contactless payments are possible in every terminal in Poland. You can pay abroad with BLIK at contactless terminals with the Mastercard logo. In order to pay, you don’t need to be within the mobile phone coverage or have the access to the Internet.
Stores accepting payments with BLIK are marked with a sticker with the BLIK logo. You can also always ask the retailer if the store accepts payments with BLIK.
When paying contactlessly with BLIK you have to unlock the phone with a fingerprint or PIN, so no one except you will pay this way. If you use a BLIK code, remember that a generated code can be used only once, so it is not sensitive data. Additionally, each transaction must be accepted in the banking application.
BLIK contactless payments take a few seconds. In the case of transactions with a BLIK code - you display the code in the bank's application, enter it on the terminal, accept it, and that's it.
All you need is a phone with a banking application. You don't have to look for your wallet or check if you have a card or cash. If you pay contactlessly, you also do not worry about network access and coverage.
A BLIK transfer to a mobile is the ideal solution for making instant settlements with friends. You will do this instantly and free of charge, knowing just their phone number.
It doesn’t matter which bank the person to whom you are transferring money has an account with. You don’t have to be customers of the same bank. It is enough that both of you have the BLIK transfer to a mobile function available in your banking apps. The transfer arrives in a few seconds regardless of the time and day of the week.
To receive transfers to your mobile, you have to have a banking app and a phone number registered in the service.
You can make a BLIK transfer to a mobile in:
Making a transfer to a mobile will take you literally a moment. All you need is your banking app and the recipient’s phone number.
You can make a BLIK transfer to a phone in:
Make settlements with your friends even more easily! Send them a request for a transfer from your banking app.
When the recipient accepts the request, you will receive the money instantly.
Request for a BLIK transfer is avaliable in:
Order transfers quickly and safely. Select the contact from your address book on your phone or enter the recipient’s phone number. Contacts that can receive a BLIK mobile transfer are marked with BLIK logo.
A BLIK transfer to a mobile is available 24/7 and the money is transferred to the recipient's account immediately, regardless of the bank they are using.
You can settle up with your friends for dinner together, pool money for a gift or return money you borrowed earlier. Each of these will take you literally a moment.
You can quickly and conveniently deposit and withdraw money at an ATM with BLIK. You don’t need a payment card for this, you just need a phone with a banking app.
Withdrawals can be made at ATMs of many banks. Whether you are jogging or walking your dog, a lack of wallet and card will no longer be an obstacle if you suddenly need to withdraw cash from an ATM.
You can withdraw money with BLIK if you have a banking app of one of the 15 banks that have implemented BLIK. You can make withdrawals from the ATMs of these banks (although not all banks with BLIK have their own ATMs), as well as from the Euronet and PlanetCash ATM networks.
You will make an ATM withdrawal with BLIK in:
Deposit cash into your account at cash deposit machines of selected banks. You do not need a card for this. Instead of inserting it in the deposit machine, you enter the BLIK code from the banking app.
You can make deposits with BLIK into a cash deposit machine in:
A BLIK cheque (consisting of 9 digits) enables payments for purchases in selected physical stores and withdrawals from ATMs up to a predefined amount. You can use it yourself or give it to someone else with your password.
Your money is safe – you do not risk anyone scanning your card or seeing your PIN. You use a code that is unique and you need to confirm every cash deposit or withdrawal on your phone.
Deposits and withdrawals take less time. You do not have to look for your card and wait for the ATM to read it. All you have to do is display the BLIK code in the app, enter it on the screen and confirm the transaction.
Now, you can use the ATM at any time: when you leave the house for a moment or go jogging without your wallet, as you always have your phone with you.