Work on launching BLIK in mBank SK has begun

Work on launching BLIK in mBank SK has begun

Work on launching BLIK in mBank SK has begun

BLIK SK, formerly known as VIAMO, is consistently expanding its operations in the Slovak market. Following the expansion of its collaboration with Tatra banka, the company is strengthening its ties with another dynamic bank operating in Slovakia. The goal of the partnership with mBank SK is the full integration of BLIK into the mobile application of this institution, providing customers with secure and convenient mobile payments for online shopping.

More BLIK on the Slovak market

In line with strategic objectives, BLIK continues its expansion in the European market. After finalizing the acquisition of the Slovak company VIAMO and transforming it into BLIK SK, the company’s offering was enhanced with the modern BLIK payment method. The company is now establishing key partnerships and undertaking activities aimed at implementing the solution in another institutions. Recently, mBank SK decided to launch BLIK with full integration into its mobile application. The organizations have just begun work on making this service available to the bank's customers in the e-commerce channel.

mBank has been involved in the BLIK system on the Polish market from the very beginning, quickly implementing subsequent innovative features that were enthusiastically received by users. Thanks in part to this collaboration, BLIK rapidly became a versatile and widely used payment tool. Now, together with the mBank team, we are striving to bring the best experiences and practices to this market, so that Slovak users can also enjoy the comfort and security of payments. This is another significant step in the development of BLIK beyond Poland's borders. However, further initiatives and projects lie ahead. At the same time, we remain open to cooperation with other market participants who wish to implement the solutions we offer

– said Dariusz Mazurkiewicz, CEO of Polski Standard Płatności, the operator of the BLIK mobile payment system.

Secure payments within the mobile application

BLIK is a simple, convenient, and secure payment method that enables safe transactions in e-commerce. In order to use it, users generate a 6-digit code in their banking application, which they then enter on the payment page. After this step, they can view all transaction details and confirm it with their PIN in the application. The entire process takes only a few seconds and is very intuitive for users. In Poland, where this solution originated, more than 16 million people are actively and regularly using the system.

BLIK is a common standard for mobile payments. Currently, virtually every customer of domestic payment institutions offering a mobile application has the option of using BLIK in mobile banking applications. Polish Payment Standard (Polski Standard Płatności, PSP) is responsible for the development of the system. PSP constantly develops BLIK's capabilities so that the system is as functional as possible. The shareholders of PSP are: Alior Bank, Bank Millennium, Santander Bank Polska, ING Bank Śląski, mBank, PKO Bank Polski, and Mastercard. 


For further information, please contact: 

Klaudia Rombalska 

BLIK Press Office 


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