
BLIK is the strongest brand in Poland in the mobile payments category

BLIK is the service most frequently and most willingly used by Poles who use banking apps. According to the KANTAR survey, in the second quarter of this year, it recorded the highest Brand Power index in the payments category – at a level of 37%. Almost two-thirds of users would recommend BLIK to their friends, mainly due to the ease and speed of executing transactions. BLIK is also the fastest growing innovation on the payments market in Poland.

The second quarter of 2020 was the best three months in the history of the system in terms of transactions. Almost 100 million transactions and almost 5.5 million active users were recorded during that time. The answers to the question about the great popularity of the Polish mobile payment system are provided by KANTAR surveys conducted during the second quarter of this year. Of the modern cashless payment methods, BLIK is the service most frequently and willingly used by Poles using mobile banking apps. As many as three quarters of them declared that they use BLIK at least sometimes, another 23% know the brand even though they do not use the service yet.

BLIK is currently the strongest brand in the modern payments category in Poland. Importantly, it is continuously strengthening its position. It is also the innovation on the cashless payments market that is growing fastest in the awareness of the respondents, distancing itself from other solutions, which are frequently offered by global players. Although the BLIK brand has only been on the market for 5 years, we have managed to build awareness among those using banking apps of what it can be used for and to convince a large number of users to try out our payment method.

Monika Król, Vice-President of Polski Standard Płatności, operator of BLIK

Among BLIK’s functions, the most popular is of course the possibility of paying in e-commerce – 81% of respondents know about this function while 60% use it. Second place was taken by BLIK transfers to a phone number – as many as 78% of respondents indicated that they are aware of this type of function and half of them use it. Third place was taken by payments in traditional stores – with results of 73% and 33% respectively.

BLIK received an NPS score of 57 points in Q2 2020. This means that users are very willing to recommend the brand to their friends. In comparison, the average NPS score for the financial sector is 18 points. BLIK is most frequently recommended for speed of payment (62% of responses), convenience and ease of use, as well as safety.

BLIK’s recognition is increasing. Spontaneous awareness of the brand is as high as 69%, while prompted awareness is 97%. No other payment brand in the group of people using banking apps has such recognition on our market today. However, what is important to us is not only that BLIK is a brand that is very well recognized and willingly used, but primarily because the vast majority of those who have encountered BLIK would recommend this service to others because of its unique User Experience

says Krzysztof Ziewiec, Marketing and PR Director at Polski Standard Płatności, operator of BLIK.

In the proprietary KANTAR's methodology (MDS Meaningful, Different Salient) used to measure brand strength (Brand Equity), BLIK’s so-called Brand POWER index received 37% in the second quarter of the year, ahead of such brands as VISA (27%), Mastercard (22%), G-Pay (5%), Revolut (5%) and Apple Pay (3%). The main factors influencing brand equity in the payment category are those related to convenience of use, security of payments and uniqueness of the solution. BLIK is the only payment system that provides POS and e-commerce payment capabilities under a single brand, together with the transfers to a phone and ATM withdrawals – none of the brands on the market integrate these functions.

It can be said that BLIK simplifies finances, making them positive and pleasant, and gives a very good UX, which makes it such a popular service and simply a cool, modern brand that we can all enjoy. We should remember that both Visa and Mastercard are very strong, global brands. Both are in the Top10 (Visa in 5th place and Mastercard in 10th place) BrandZ – a global ranking of the strongest global brands – according to data published in 2020. In the group of users of mobile apps, BLIK is the strongest brand that best addresses user needs and occupies a much stronger position in their minds than these global giants.

says Robert Bajek, Account Director at Kantar who is responsible for brand strategy, innovations and customer experience.

BLIK is a nationwide, universal payment standard that uses the latest technologies. The ability to use BLIK in mobile banking apps is currently available to more than 90% of all customers of domestic financial institutions. Polski Standard Płatności (Polish Payment System - PPS) is responsible for the development of the system. PPS is constantly developing BLIK’s capabilities so that the system is as functional as possible for its users. PPS’s shareholders are: Alior Bank, Bank Millennium, Santander Bank Polska, ING Bank Śląski, mBank, PKO Bank Polski and Mastercard. BLIK can also be used by customers of Getin Bank, Bank Pekao SA, BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole, Inteligo, T-Mobile Banking Services and the cooperative banks associated in Spółdzielcza Grupa Bankowa, BPS Bank and cooperative banks from the BPS Group, as well as Nest Bank.

Sample: people aged 18–45, having a smartphone, users of mobile apps on a smartphone [including banking], having an account with one of the following banks:

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